III Konferencja Camino Polaco Toruń 2019
The Camino de Santiago – New Opportunities, Old Challenges.
The Christian Meaning of Pilgrimage in History, Art and Theology. Saturday, 19th October 2019
Faculty of Theology, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
The dynamic development of the Way of St. James has been observedfor several decades. It has become the subject of analysisfor geography, sociology, philosophy, history, art history and theology. The setting and marking of new routes of St. James is a phenomenon which is accompanied by social and pastoral revival, the discovery of historical, material and spiritual heritage and new initiatives which would be difficult to implement without the presence of this route.
For many, the Camino appears as a “chance”to rethink the issue of religious, personal and social identity, and,at the same time,it seems that old problems regarding the motivation of pilgrims, theirdifference in comparison withtourism (including religious tourism) raise questions about the pilgrim’s spirituality andcharism of the Camino pilgrimage, which distinguishes itfrom trekking along mountain trails. Onecan observe many new phenomena and practices on the Camino, which syncretically combinethe so-far contradictory ideas, create new “rites” and customs which formthe media image of the Camino.
For the Catholic Church it is, at the same time, a challenge related to the organization of pastoral work, formation of pilgrims andthe answer to the question: what shall I do whenthe pilgrimage is finished?It is alsoa way of understanding the “pilgrimage” itself, towhich the traditional term of “folk piety” no longer seems to apply. Many postulate to view the potential of the Camino in terms of a new evangelization or discreet (“trodden”) apologetics, thanks to which, those who follow St. James’ trails could have the opportunity to get to know the Church and its involvement they have not experienced so far.
- What are the chances for the Camino de Santiago? What is the future of the Camino de Santiago?
- Which of the old problems remains unresolved?
- What new forms of pilgrimageappear among pilgrims?
- What testimonies of pilgrimagecan be found in historical sources?
- How is the cult of St. James developing in European countries?
- What are the main initiatives undertaken by the Churchand is it possible to make the first balance of their effectiveness?
- What is the impact of the creation of new St. James’ shrinesin Poland and Europe in the Camino tradition?
- What are the fruits and pastoral challenges associated with the development of the pilgrimage movement?
These are just some of the questions that we would like to pose during the conference. The main speakers will be Prof. Adeline Rucquoi (France), Domingo Luis Gonzalez Lopo (Spain), Roman Bielecki, OP (Poland), Vedran Prazen (Croatia),Daniel Moulin (United Kingdom), Eamonn Conway (Ireland).
Please submit proposals for the topics of the papers with a short summary before 30thMay 2019. All summaries should be sent at piotrroszak@umk.pl. The fulltexts of the papers which will be included in the conference volume (Camino Polaco 4) should be sent before 30th July 2019.
The organizers of the event are: the Faculty ofTheology, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Institute of Geography, Pedagogical University of Kraków, Institute of History and Archive Science of Nicolaus Copernicus University. Supporting institutions are Confraternity of St. James the Apostle in Więcławice Stare and Confraternity of St. James the Apostle in Torun.
On the 18th October 2019,the 1st Economic Forum “Camino Polaco” will be organized for the entrepreneurs from Kuyaviaand Pomerania (but we also invite all economic entities involved in the development of the Camino de Santiago in Poland). The aim of the forum is tomeet experts and get familiar with the market research concerning the implementation of pilgrimage products commissioned by the Ministry of Science, as part of DIALOG grant received by the Faculty of Theology of Nicolaus Copernicus University.On behalf of the Organizational Committee.
- Rev. dr hab. Piotr Roszak,
- Prof. dr hab. Waldemar Rozynkowski,
- Dr Franciszek Mróz